Updated Feb. 11, 2023

63. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Don't Stop Me Now
-owner Stefanie Thellman & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
62. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Don't Stop Believin'
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
61. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Shiney New Year
-owner Gina Cashen (Limelight Samoyeds) & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
60. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Snowball Fight!
-owner Jane Emmel & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
59. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Mountain Music
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
58. Am. Ch. Snowshoe Come On Get Happy BCAT
-owner Stefanie Thellman & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
57. Spanish, Gibralter Young Champion Snowshoe's Snowstorm at Aurcan "Thunder"
-owners Samuel Cano Diaz & Laura Avellan
56. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Light of Mine
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
55. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Greyt White Way
-Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
54. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Greyt Baranof
-owner Stephanie Konstanz & Heather Galloway
53. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Dream Boy
-owner Janice Palermo & Heather Galloway
52. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Winter Wonderland
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
51. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Second Star to the Right
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
50. Am./UKC Ch. Snowshoe's Warm Hugs Wet Kisses
-owner Sheridan & Donny Roberts, Stefanie Thellman, Heather Galloway
49. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Abominable Snowman
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
48. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's A Wish Your Heart Makes
-owner Stefanie Thellman & Heather Galloway
47. Am. Ch. Snowshoe Don't You Wish You Were Me
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
46. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Dixie On My Mind
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
45. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's What Dreams May Come
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
44. Am. GCh. Snowshoe Rise and Shine
-owner Jane Emmel & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
43. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Travelin' Man
-co-owned with Colleen Harrington
42. Am./Can. Ch. Snowshoe's Lasting Impression at Dushanbe
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
41. German Youth CH Snowshoe's Shinning Star "Rosalie"
-owner Freya Ruppert
40. MBIS, MOHBIS Am. GChG. Snowshoe's True Colors ATT "Pixel"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
39. Can. GCH Snowshoe's Lasting Legacy at Dushanbe "Logan"
-owner Robyn Pennell, Linda Johnson, Heather Galloway
38. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Last Christmas Wish
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
37. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Sleigh Bells
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
36. Am. Ch. Snowshoe Whistle While You Work RN, CA, CGCA, TKA, DCAT, RATI
-owner Stefanie Thellman & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
35. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Friendly Ghost
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
34. Am. Ch. White Magic's Shake Your Booty
-owner Heather Shannon, Carrie Collier (White Magic Samoyeds)
33. Am. GChB. Snowshoe's Sleigh Boy
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
32. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's One of a Kind
-co-owned with Debbie Fornari
31. Am. GCh. Snowshoe's Wish I Were in Dixie
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
30. Am. GCh. Snowshoe's Dashing Through the Snow
-owner Jane Emmel & Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
29. Am. GCh. Snowshoe's Just Add Water
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
28. Am./Can. Ch. Snowshoe N' Samtos Rise to Fame
-co-owned and co-bred with Efeso Do Santos (Samtos Samoyeds)
27. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Hurricane Koda
-owned by Nicole Vavrek
26. Am. CH Snowshoe's White Waters "Yeti"
. -co owned with Julie Sutherland
25. Am. GChB. Snowshoe's Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
24. Am. GCh. Snowshoe's Thank U For Being a Friend S.T.A.R., UKC RN, RN, CGC, TKN, WS "Koda"
-co-owned with Susan Slagle
23. Am. GCh. Snowshoe's Cider Sky HT, CA, CAA, BCAT, RATN, CGC, TKN "Jojo"
-co-owned with Diana Hauser
22. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Fancy Don't Let Me Down HT, CA, BCAT, CGC, TKN "Fancy"
-owned by Andy & Amanda Rodgers
21. Can. Ch. Snowshoe's Arctic Water of Tundra "Tundra"
-owned by Jenni Clark
20. Am./BIS UKC/Intl. Ch. Snowshoe's What's Next for Pyles of Smiles CA, CGCA, TKN, TKI, TKA "Collie"
-co-owned with Larry and Shellie Pyle
19. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's Reign of Ice and Fire "Bravo"
-owner Megan Smith
18. Am./Can. Ch. Snowshoe's Reindeer Games "Vixen"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
17. Am. Ch. Snowshoe's What a Star "Orion"
-co-owned with Rick & Becky Hughes
16. UKC Ch. Snowshoe's Magic Carpet Ride to Samsong "Jasmine"
-co-owned with Patty Richard
15. Am. GCH/Can. Ch. Snowshoe's Christmas in Dixie RN, CGC, TKN, ATT, FDC "Dixie"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
14. Am./Can. Ch. Snowshoe's Ja'Makin' Trouble at O'Blako "Mason"
-owner Pam Freudig (O'Blako Samoyeds)
13. Can. Ch. Snowshoe What a Ride! Can. RN "Bristol"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
12. BISS Am. GCh. Snowshoe's Troubled Water "Madison"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds) & Janice Brusoski
11. Am. Ch. Snowshoe Samsong Waiting in the Wings "Mica"
-owner Patty Richards (Samsong Samoyeds)
10. Can. Ch. Dushanbe's Lookin' for Trouble "Hunter"
-owner Linda Johnson (Dushanbe Samoyeds - www.dushanbesamoyeds.com)
9. Can. GCh. Snowshoe's Trouble Brewing at Polarfleece "Bud"
-owner Lorraine Hammel (Polarfleece Samoyeds - www.polarfleecesamoyeds.com)
8. UKC Altered CH Snowshoe's Christmas Eve Gift Ride RE, BN, CGC, CD, ThDA, NA, NAJ, WSX "Makaio"
-owner Susan Slagle
7. Can. Ch. Snowshoe Let's Ride! RN, TT "Harleigh"
-owner Linda Johnson (Dushanbe Samoyeds - www.dushanbesamoyeds.com)
6. Am./Can. Grand Ch., BJIS Portuguese/Moroccan/Gibralter/Spanish Ch. Snowshoe's Sleigh Ride RN, CGC, CGN, TDI "Dash"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
5. Am. GCh. Snowshoe Runs Free at SamnArt "Rain"
-owners Sam Lowell & Heather Galloway
4. Can. Ch. Snowshoe Dushanbe's Northern Dancer "Dancer"
-owner Linda Johnson (Dushanbe Samoyeds - www.dushanbesamoyeds.com)
3. Am./Can./BIS UKC/Intl. Ch. Snowshoe's Ticket to Ride "Ryder"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)
2. Snowshoe's Sasha Nirobi RN "Sasha"
-owner Michael & Melissa Moreland
1. Am./Can./BIS UKC/RBIS, BBEIS Intl. Ch. Snowshoe's Run for the Roses "Derby"
-owner Heather Galloway (Snowshoe Samoyeds)